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Five states consider legalizing marijuana

(CNN) On this election day, voters in five states will get to decide whether marijuana should be legal to use recreationally. It's on the ballot in California, Massachusetts, Maine, Arizona and Nevada. Voters will also decide whether it should be used for medical reasons in three other states. Currently, it's legal to use recreational marijuana only in four states and in the District of Columbia. Colorado and Washington state voted to OK it in 2012.,_Ballot_Measure2(2014 text: Alaska) and,_Measure91(2014 text: Oregon) voters approved it in 2014. Medical marijuana is legal in half of US states and is on state ballots this year in Montana, Florida and North Dakota. It will be on the,_Issue7(2016 text: ballot in),_Issue7(2016 text: Arkansas), with,_Issue6(2016 text: two initiatives), but the results won't count for one of them, after the state Supreme Court struck the issue in October, due to invalid signatures.

Related: massachusetts