

CloudV Platinum Review

CloudV Platinum Review

The CloudV Platinum is the best solution I've found for vaporizing essential oils effortlessly on the go. Read our review here: http://we…


WPD LIVE - Birthday Bash

WPD LIVE - Birthday Bash

Join us as we celebrate 25 stoney years of Mr. WPD on this pot-filled planet. Watch us take fat dabs, fatter bong hits, and blaze in the birthday right. Stay regular super stoners~ See more...…


Blue Bong Hits

Blue Bong Hits

Stay regular super stoners~ See more weed porn @ Follow our tumblr! @ http://blog.weedporndai…


Warehouse Dabs

Warehouse Dabs

Taking a few dabs of Sour Lemon (Vader Extracts) and Ghost OG (Divine Wellness / Moxie) out of the Hitman Phase 2 rig with quartz banger. Just a small smoke sesh to medicate at work. Stay...…