

Daily Grind - Cannabis Cup Day 1

Daily Grind - Cannabis Cup Day 1

We take a stroll around the 2016 Cannabis Cup in San Bernardino and smoke a joint during the awards. Stay regular super stoners~ See more weed porn @ http://weedp…


One Gram Bong Hit

One Gram Bong Hit

We load up the Darth Vader bowl with 1 gram of Master Skywalker and try our best to toke it all. Stay regular super stoners~…


Champs Trade Show Haul

Champs Trade Show Haul

We get back from Champs and show you guys all the awesome goodies we plan on giving away! Stay regular super stoners~ See more weed porn @…


Champs Trade Show Glass Competition 2016

Champs Trade Show Glass Competition 2016

Champs is a wholesale event for headshops, but it also hosts a glass blowing competition for artists to compete for cash, prizes, and prestige. I tried my best to cover all the artists and give cre…